quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

WAKE UP call

Novidade de ultima hora (pelo menos para mim):

Bentall, R. P. (1992) "A proposal to classify happiness as a
psychiatric disorder"
J Med Ethics, 18(2):94-8.

E pensavam voces que andam bem de saude mental, nao era? ...Hm, tirando a Tatiana, que e' perfeitamente normal porque nunca esta feliz ;)

Seguem alguns excertos para vos exclarecer e abrir o apetite:

- It is statistically abnormal, consists of a discrete cluster of symptoms, there is at least some evidence that it reflects the abnormal functioning of the central nervous system, and it is associated with various cognitive abnormalities - in particular, a lack of contact with reality.

- The behavioural components of happiness are less easily characterised but particular facial expressions such as 'smiling' have been noted; interestingly there is evidence that these expressions are common across cultures, which suggests that they may be biological in origin (quem diria!!!)

- Uncontrolled observations, such as those found in plays and novels, suggest that happy people are often carefree, impulsive and unpredictable in their actions.

- ...happy people seem to wish to force their condition on their unhappy companions and relatives. (devia ser analisado pelo departamento de doencas infecciosas)

Por nao me querer extender sugiro que os interessados leiam o artigo.

Fiquem bem, mas nao felizes. Eu, vou pedir a prof Augusta para me internar na psiquiatria....

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